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Openshaw, S., Abrahart, R. J.
London: Taylor & Francis, 2000.
413 Seiten
ISBN: 0-7484-0900-9
unverbindl. Preis: 96,1 EUR
The momentum behind this new volume includes five international geocomputation conferences and a geocomputation 'primer' (Longley et al. 1998), which originated from one of these. GeoComputation (GC) ist not GIS, but a new field that seeks to accomplish something useful or meaningful with the enormous volumes of data accumulated by GIS, and expand GIScience beyond its role of data gathering towards analysis, modeling and real-world problem solving.
I would recommend this book as a reader in graduate level GIS/RS, environmental modeling, methods andother geography seminars. Naturally, the GeoComputation courses that have been implemented at universities around the world will prescribe this as a text. For GIS and geography professors and professionals wishing th stay abreast of developments in their fields it is a must-read that includes many up-to-date references and we addresses to enable folow up research and to obtain useful code.
Reviewed by t in Transactions in GIS Center for Spatial Information Central Washington University |