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GI-Lexikon > A-Z > C

  1. C
  2. C/A-Code
  3. C++
  4. CAAD
  5. CAC
  6. Cache
  7. Cache-Programm
  8. CAD
  9. CAD/CAM
  10. Cadastral Survey
  11. CADD
  12. CAD-GIS
  13. CAD-Kartographie
  14. CAD-System
  15. CAE
  16. CAF
  17. CAFM
  18. CAI
  19. CAL
  20. Calcomp
  21. Call Center
  22. Campus-LAN
  23. Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG)
  24. CAO
  25. CAP
  26. Capabilities XML
  27. Capabilities-Schema
  28. CAPS
  29. CAQM
  30. CARIN
  31. CARLOS
  32. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)
  33. Cartographic Modelling
  34. Cartridge
  35. Catalog-Service
  36. Cathode ray tube (CRT)
  37. CATS
  38. Cax
  39. C-Band
  40. CBT
  41. CCD
  42. CCIR
  43. CCOGIF
  44. CCT
  45. CCW
  46. CDA
  47. CD-DA
  48. CDE
  49. CD-E
  50. CD-I
  51. CDMA
  52. CD-MO
  53. CD-R
  54. CD-ROM
  55. CD-ROM-Laufwerk
  56. CD-ROM-XA
  57. CD-RW
  58. CDS
  59. CDSS
  60. CD-W
  61. CD-WO
  62. CD-WORM
  63. CeBIT
  64. CeGI
  66. CE-Kennzeichnung
  67. Cell
  68. Cellular Automata
  69. CEN
  70. Census Tract
  71. CEN-TC 278
  72. CEN-TC 287
  73. Centrino
  74. CEO
  75. CEONET
  76. CEOS
  77. CEPT
  78. CERN
  79. CERT
  80. CGA
  81. CGIS
  82. Chain Codes
  83. Change Detection
  84. Character (Char)
  85. Character per second (Cps)
  86. Character Set
  87. Chart
  88. Chat
  89. Check plot
  90. Chip
  91. Chorochromatische Karte
  92. Chorographische Karte
  93. Choroplethe
  94. Choroplethenkarte
  95. Chroma
  96. Chrominanz
  97. cHTML
  98. cHTML
  99. CIA
  100. CID
  101. CIE
  102. CIE-Grundfarben
  103. CIE-Standard
  104. CIM
  105. CIPA
  106. CIR
  107. CIR-Bilder
  108. CIS
  109. CISC
  110. CISC-Prozessoren
  111. Citizen to Government (C2G)
  112. CKAN
  113. CLDS
  114. Clearinghouse
  115. Client
  116. Client Service
  117. Client Tier
  118. Client-Server
  119. Client-Server-Architektur
  120. Clip
  121. Clipart
  122. Clipboard
  123. Clipping
  124. Clipping Window
  125. Clip-Polygon
  126. CLIS
  127. Clone
  128. Cloud Computing
  129. Cluster
  130. Cluster-Analyse
  131. CLUT
  132. CMY-Farbmodell (CMY)
  133. CMYK-Farbmodell
  134. C-Netz
  135. CNS
  136. COBOL
  137. CODASYL
  138. Code
  139. Codec
  140. COGI
  141. Co-Kriging
  142. COLIDO
  143. COM
  144. Comité Consultatif International de Télégraphique et Téléphonique (CCITT)
  145. Comité Consultatif International pour Télégraphique et Téléphonique (CCITT)
  146. Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN)
  147. Comité Européen des Responsables de la Cartographie Officielle (CERCO)
  148. Command queuing
  149. Committee Draft (CD)
  150. Common Applications Environment (CAE)
  151. Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  152. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
  153. COM-Objekte
  154. Compact Disc (CD)
  155. COMPASS Navigation Satellite System
  156. Compilation
  157. Compiler
  158. Composite Map
  159. Compound-Dokument
  160. CompuServe
  161. Computational Geometry
  162. Computer
  163. Computer Aided Design (CAD)
  164. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
  165. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
  166. Computer Aided Mapping (CAM)
  167. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
  168. Computer Aided Software Testing (CAST)
  169. Computer Animation
  170. Computer Based Training (CBT)
  171. Computer Generated Images
  172. Computer Graphics Interface (CGI)
  173. Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
  174. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
  175. Computer-Benchmark
  176. Computergestützte Kartographie
  177. Computergraphik
  178. Computervirus
  179. COM-Schnittstelle
  180. Concurrency
  181. Confirmation
  182. Conflation
  183. Confusion index
  184. Connectivity
  185. Console
  186. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
  187. Container
  188. Content Management System (CMS)
  189. Content provider
  190. Content syndication
  191. Contentmanagement
  192. Contiguity
  193. Contiguous
  194. Continous tone (CT)
  195. Control Unit
  196. Controller
  197. Controller AREA Network (CAN)
  198. Cook book
  199. Cookies
  200. Coordinate Geometry (COGO)
  201. Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
  202. Coprocessor
  203. Copyright
  204. Core
  205. CORINE
  206. Corporate Network
  207. Cosmo Player
  208. Coterminous
  209. COTS
  210. Coverage
  211. CPI
  212. Cpi
  213. CPU
  214. CPU-Takt
  215. CR
  216. Cracker
  217. Crash
  218. Crawler
  219. CRESTA
  220. Critical Points
  221. Cross Compiler
  222. Cross-hatching
  223. Crossover point
  224. Cross-Section
  225. Cross-validation
  226. Crowd sourcing
  227. CRT
  228. CRT-Display
  229. CRT-Monitor
  230. CSDGM
  231. CSG
  232. CSS
  233. CSV-Datei
  234. CT
  235. CTF
  236. CU
  237. CUA
  238. Cubic Convolution
  239. Culling
  240. Cursor
  241. Curve Fitting
  242. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  243. Customizing
  244. CWT
  245. Cyberspace
  246. Cycle slip


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